Light, Sound, and Vibration Therapies


  • 9+ minute sessions offered at your location or preferred offsite venue. Brain fitness delivered through guided audio and LED light therapy.

  • Benefits range from enhanced focused and creativity to relaxation and better sleep.

Opus SoundBed

  • 4-35 minute sessions offered at your location or preferred offsite venue. Low frequency vibrations are transmitted to your body as you experience spatial sound or listen to guided meditations and breathwork.

  • Deep relaxation, improved performance, enhanced creativity, and heightened sense of purpose.

ShiftWave Chair

  • 4 - 60+ minute sessions offered onsite at your location or offsite venue.

    Recline in this zero gravity chair as it delivers pulsed pressure waves to your body while you listen to guided meditations and breath work.

  • The benefits you experience will depend on your selected journey and include: relaxation, mental clarity, increased energy, or boosted focus.

“Almost everything will work again after you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.”

- Anne Lamott

The break room, redefined.

We design and operate workplace recharge spaces with scientifically-backed amenities where professionals can rest and reset, even if they only have 10 minutes.

Our goal is to help you complete the stress cycle and get into flow. When you're in flow you can reach peak performance, experience enhanced focus, and feel happier.

Want a place to recharge at your workplace? Let us know by filling out this form. We love to create wellness day pop-ups and permanent suites for your biggest asset - your people.

unlock your team’s full potential

Our clients

Create the workplace people are looking for.

Show your teams you have their wellbeing in mind with an enterprise membership, including active recovery services, education, and coaching for your entire organization. Connect with us to customize a program for your workplace and learn about the benefits - for your employees and your company’s performance.

“Fundamentally, business exists to enhance human well-being.”

— Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi