Our Coaching Services


Professional coaching is a creative process that helps people achieve extraordinary results in their careers and personal lives. The goals of coaching are unique to the client, and range from improved performance, leadership development, stress management, to the pursuit of big dreams and life changes. We offer one-on-one coaching and emotional intelligence assessments. Schedule a free discovery call with one of our coaches or email us to learn more.

Group Coaching

Grow yourself and your network! We offer a variety of group coaching workshops for you to explore topics in a supportive environment that promotes connection and learning through shared self-development experiences. Connect with us to custom-design a series that fits your group’s needs. Workshop themes:

  • Career design + Leadership

  • Focus + Flow

  • Active Recovery Planning

What people are saying…

  • "This completely changed the way I thought about my career and my life - it reminded me that I am in control of both! This class gave me the discipline and tools I needed for self-reflection on what I really want out of life. The group setting enabled me to bounce my ideas and plans off others, who were supportive and curious, but also held me accountable. In the end, I’m excited to take back control of my career! I would highly recommend this course for anyone who is feeling like they’re at a cross roads or really anyone who is not 100% satisfied with their career path."

    Fortune 500 Manager - Corporate Cohort

  • “She asks super insightful questions and then gives me the time and space to reflect and respond. While she may know the answer or best approach to solve my issue, the power of her coaching is in giving me the runway to work through to my own solutions. I found her coaching approach to be tremendously effective - in lowering my stress level and helping me work through a number of complex issues.”

    Beth S., Senior Manager - Fortune 500 Company - Houston, Texas

  • “I feel more confident and I was able to explore some parallels in my personal and professional life related to how I handle difficult situations. Working with Jessica has helped me realize that I have solutions within me and the right questions or a different approach to the situation shed light on the challenges. Jessica takes the time to listen and hear what you are saying - and perhaps hesitant to express. Her patience and win-grow attitude is refreshing.  I left all my sessions with more self-awareness and tools.”

    Barbara S., Public Health Expert - Seattle, Washington