More flow. More fulfillment. Stronger performance.

healthier lives + better businesses

We help busy professionals better manage their stress so they can get into flow, reach their full potential, and thrive through the journey.

Workers are looking for more support from their employer to navigate the demands of the modern world. Most business leaders recognize the importance of wellness and are looking for effective solutions.

We offer a comprehensive package that fosters a healthy and innovative work culture. We can’t wait to work with you.

Our Model

“Almost everything will work again after you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.”

- Anne Lamott

Create the workplace people are looking for.

Show your teams you have their wellbeing in mind with an enterprise membership, including active recovery services, personalized workshops, education for your entire organization. Connect with us to customize a program for your workplace and learn about the benefits - for your employees and your company’s performance.

Our clients

Your break room, redefined.

We design and operate workplace recharge spaces with scientifically-backed amenities where professionals can rest and reset, even if they only have 10 minutes.

Want a place to recharge at your workplace? Let us know by filling out this form.

“Fundamentally, business exists to enhance human well-being.”

— Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi